
How random numbers are the driving force behind video games, jury selection, and more – Independent Tribune

Video games

Before computers and algorithms were developed to generate random numbers, there were dice. Middle Eastern tombs uncovered cubical dice dating back to the 20th century BC—but it’s believed they’re even older. Other methods of producing a random result included heating turtle shells until they cracked and tossing and dividing yarrow stalks, which provides a similar effect to repeated coin tosses.

The demand for random numbers has only increased since the days of yarrow stalks. In the 1940s, RAND Corporation released the first book of random numbers, “A Million Random Digits with 100,000 Normal Deviates,” with which mathematicians and scientists could flip to a page, point to a line, and have a random number at their fingertips. However, this method became obsolete with the development of computer models and algorithms that could generate random numbers in vast quantities.

As computers become increasingly pervasive in everyday life, numbers and data follow suit. Although we don’t always see the mathematical processes behind our screens, random numbers have become deeply ingrained in many daily functions. Using a variety of news stories, scientific reports, and other sources, ​​GigaCalculator investigated where and how random numbers power processes in everyday life.

Keep reading to see how random numbers impact your life and which uses for them you may not have known about previously.
